11.2 Navigate the reveela App
The reveela app is available from your devices’s app store and allows you to access your reveela account to engage with industry specific news and articles from niche publications and newswires across the UK.
Menu Bar & Navigation
- Search - Search keywords to find relevant news stories across the reveela app.
- The Menu Bar - Can be used to navigate around the app.
- Industry News - Your industry newsfeed displaying articles from the communities, outlets and companies you are following.
- Content Hub - A powerful search tool for those looking to discover topics, content and media opportunities.
- Publications - View interactive page turners of industry specific magazines.
- My News Stories - News stories you have created and news stories you have created as media outlet and company admin.
- My Liked News Stories - News stories you have liked on both the app and reveela platform.
- Distribute Content - A direct link to reveela platform website to create news stories and content.
- Analytics - A direct link to reveela platform website to view your article analytics.
- Settings - Manage your app notifications.
- Logout - Log out of your account on the reveela app.