11.3 Industry News on the App
The reveela app allows you to manage your own news stories, search and read industry specific news articles that are relevant to you.
To view news stories you have created on the reveela platform:
- Select My News Stories from the menu bar.
To view trending news stories in your industry:
- Select Industry News from the menu bar.
- Navigate to and select the
Search icon on the top app menu bar.
- Enter and keyword and select
- Relevant news stories will be displayed.
- Select Clear Search to clear you search paramaters.
You can acknowledge news stories that you read by liking them, this shows your appreciation, endorsement or recognition of the content posted.
To like a news story:
- Tap a news story to view.
- Select the
Like icon on the top navigation bar.
- The like count will increase by 1 and the like icon will turn orange to show you have liked the news story.
- The article will now appear in My Liked News Stories in the menu bar.
You can also unlike a news story if you like it in error.
To unlike a news story:
- Navigate to the news story you want to unlike.
- Select the
Like icon on the top navigation bar.
- The like count will decrease by 1 and the like icon will turn white to show you have unliked the news story.
Comments help Authors to obtain valuable feedback on their content.
To comment on news stories:
- Tap a news story to view.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the news story.
- Select Add Comment in the comment box at the top of the comments section.
- Type a comment and select Post.
- To reply to other comments, select reply.
We appreciate your feedback an helping us remove inappropriate, offensive, false and spam content. Any content that violates our Community Guidelines will be removed. You can report any news stories that you feel breach these guidelines.
To report a news story:
- Tap a news story to view.
- Select the
Report icon.
- Select the reason why you are reporting this news story from the options displayed.
- An alert will be sent to site admin and will be reviewed within 48 hours.
News Stories can be shared externally to your social media and apps.
To share a news story:
- Tap a news story to view.
- Select the
Share icon on the top navigation bar.
- Select an app or social media platform to share the news story to.
- Type an update and select Share/Post.
You can delete a news story you have created at any time, this can be done from My News Stories.
To delete a news story:
- Tap the menu icon and tap My News Stories.
- Select the
Ellipsis icon on the news story you want to delete.
- Select the
- The news story will be deleted.