16.5 Keyword Research

Reveela's keyword research tool you can identify low competition keywords with a high search volume around your topic and use them to optimise your content and improve visibility.

To access the keyword research tool: 

  • Select Research Hub from the main menu navigation bar.
  • You will be directed to Trending section in the Research Hub.
  • Select Keywords from the menu.

To perform a search: 

  • Enter a topic into the search box and select Search.
  • The results for your topic will be displayed.
  • You can also filter keywords by country using the country filter dropdown.

Keywords will be displayed with:

  • Search Volume: The average number of times a keyword is searched for during a specific period, generally calculated monthly.
  • Competition: The measure of how difficult it will be to rank for a particular keyword. 
  • Cost per Click (CPC): Cost per click is calculated by dividing the cost of a paid advertising campaign by the number of clicks.

We recommend choosing low competition keywords with a high search volume when writing your content to increase visibility and make it easier to rank in search engines.

Why low competition keywords with a high search volume?

  1. Easier to Rank: Low competition keywords are generally easier to rank for in search engine results pages (SERPs). This means you can achieve higher rankings more quickly and with less effort compared to highly competitive keywords.

  2. Faster Traffic Generation: Because these keywords are easier to rank for, you can start generating organic traffic to your website more rapidly. This is especially beneficial for new websites or businesses looking to establish an online presence.

  3. Cost-Effective: Targeting low competition keywords often requires less investment in terms of time and resources compared to highly competitive terms. This can lead to a better return on investment (ROI) for your SEO efforts.

  4. Specific Audience Targeting: Low competition keywords are often more specific and niche-oriented, allowing you to attract a more targeted audience that is further along in the buying cycle. This can result in higher quality traffic and better conversion rates.

  5. Competitive Advantage: By identifying and targeting low competition keywords that your competitors may have overlooked, you can gain a competitive edge in your niche.

Effective keyword research ultimately helps marketers understand the language of their target audience, uncover valuable opportunities and use them to optimise your content and improve visibility.

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