7.5 Approved Media Outlets
If your Media Outlet meets our Community Guidelines it will be approved and assigned to the relevant industry communitie). Once approved you will receive an email and be given access to the media outlet admin panel.
To find your Media Outlet:
- Hover over your Profile Icon on the top header bar.
- Select My Account from the menu.
- Navigate to the
My Media Outlets widget and select the media outlet.
- Select the Admin Panel tab on the media outlet profile.
- You will now have access to manage all sections of the profile.
- You will also be able to create articles on the media outlets behalf.
You can also find your Media Outlet using the site wide search.
To find your Media Outlet in the site wide search:
- Navigate to the
Search on the top header bar.
- Select the search box and type the name of your media outlet.
- Matching results will be displayed.
- Select the your media outlet you will be directed to the profile.