8.4 Requesting Company Admin Rights


Company administrators are able to engage with the audience and post content on behalf of your company as well as manage the company profile. 

If your company has not been claimed by a member of your organisation you can request admin rights from reveela.


To request admin rights:

  • Navigate to the Company Profile.
  • Navigate to the administrator profile icon at the top of the profile.
  • Select Request Admin Rights.
  • Complete the declaration and select Request Admin Rights.
  • You will now be administrator of this company.


If the company has already been claimed by a member of your organisation you can request admin rights from them.

To request admin rights:

  • Navigate to the Company Profile.
  • Navigate to the administrators profile icon at the top of the profile.
  • Select the Cog icon.
  • Complete the declaration and select Request Admin Rights.
  • A request will be sent to the current administrator for approval. 


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